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Small Saltwater tank set up for seahorses?

25 9:48:53


I would like to set up a small saltwater tank and put about 2 or 3 seahorses in it.  Just a few questions:

It it adviseable to set up a small saltwater tank, 10 gallon at the most?  

Is that enough space for 2 or 3 seahorses?

What do you think the cost will be, not including the seahorses?




I would set-up a minimum of a 15 gallon High tank.  Just because the smaller the tank the more water problems it will be prone too.  A 15 gallon high is good for sea horses
because it's taller than most smaller tanks.  They run about $25-30.00.  

set-up cost will probably be about 100.00-125.00 without the sea horses.  Also go to  There is a company called Ocean Rider.  They are 100% the best.    It's the only seahorse company you can trust.  I have two mustangs that are just geat.  You ONLY want to BUY captive born/ raised sea horses.  Wild caught ones will die in 6 months and are too hard to acclimate even for an expert.  

good luck todd