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Saltwater Help

25 9:36:43

QUESTION: I have 2 green spotted puffers in my 20g marine tank with an anemone, 1 clown, 2 yellow tail Damsels and a chocolet chip star. I wanted to know if they'll become aggressive or if the anemone will kill them. If this is so I was going to ween them back into a fresh water tank. Because I know they can live in eaither. Depending apon the age of the fish. I want to get a couple more Small marine fish if I get rid of the puffers. What would your suggestion be. I also wanted to know if regular gravel would work for saltwater. The tank started as fresh and I just converted it without changing the gravel, I have liverock on top of it. The water readings are good, I ran outa test kits 3 days ago and im buying some tomorrow but my last test was perfect.

ANSWER: Matthew,

I am really concerned about your tank.

Can you PLEASE confirm some things for me....

When did you turn this tank into a saltwater tank?  How long did you let it run before you put fish into it...And really, you didnt change or clean the 'gravel'.???

This is a problem...

Freshwater tanks filter thier systems through the gravel,... in essence using hte gravel as a screen to catch the poop and leftover food stuff.

and now you are bascially rinsing that 'screen' in the same water your fish are breathing???

not good.

that gravel needs to come out for several reasons...  but ultimately, gravel is not ideal or good for saltwater systems.

we use live sand, as it will hold and allow biolgocial organisms to grow and thrive inside and around the sand.

Sand is also easier to clean, (and not by you). but by other fish and critters that live in the sand.  They cant eat or stir or suck the algae off of gravel like they can with sand.

As for your fish selection, and that sized tank... not good at all...

chocolate chip stars are not good for 'reef' tanks.  if you plan on any corals, it will just be in theway and or food for your starfish..

The puffers, will eat everything that will fit into its mouth, fish, snails, crabs, you name it...

and 20 gallons and an anemone, NOT GOOD either...

Anemones will sting everything they touch, except damsel/clownfish..  so, all corals and anything that the anemone may 'sweep' or rub against will receed/retract and die...

lighting a 20 gallon tank is difficult as any real lighting will boil the water... actually it is possible to light and cool a smaller tank, but I am guessing you have just regular flourescents in that light, which will not be good for corals or anemones.

I would 'reccoemnd' other fish, but i truly believe you migh need to research more on how to keep a saltwater tank

please let me kno wif you would like some references and places to research, or if maybe i am talking way to beneath you and you have already done the research and are going to proceed with what you know...

good luck and please let me know what and how you do...

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The reason I was asking about the gravel is because it was the same gravel I had when I went from fresh to salt water. Its been running for about 3 months now and i've had the chocolet chip for almost the whole time. I dont plan on doing corals or anything like that. For the most part (other than the puffers) I just want 2 damsels, 2 clowns, the starfish and an anemone for the clown. The tank hood uses 2 bulbs, i got 2 10k lights for it. They ran about 20$ a peice. I have a bucket of Crushed Coral but I dont know if it is safe to scoop out the old gravel and put in the crushed coral without screwing up the Biological items in the tank. Im tempted to donate my puffers to a store so they can be sold to a bigger tank. Main reason I have them was to do they cycle as i converted from fresh to salt water. Because they'll live in both.

20 gallons is jsut way too small for an anemone.

and not sure about yoru lights as $20 isnt realy a lot of money for lights, my bulbs cost $45 on discount each..

and crushed coral is better then the gravel, but it is still not ideal..  Sand is better...  for all the reasons i stated in the first reply.

it also sounds like you got the tank, filled it with saltwater and added stuff, which is never a good idea. Adding fish or critters to 'get the process started' is NOT how it works...

fish and crittes are life forms and sacrificing a life form in the sake of getting a tank started is opposite of what we are trying to accomplish, which is to preserve life.. all efforst should be geared towards that goal..

anyways, i still suggest you research a bit more about 'how to setup a saltwater tank' and be available to discuss this in more detail.

we can do this on my new forum at

it has a live chat box and a forum where you can talk with me and other reefers and get thier feedback as well

good luck and hope to see you around.
