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Yellow Boxfish with Ich?

25 9:36:44

We have a new yellow box fish, we have had him for about 4 weeks and he seems very happy.  However over the last few days we have noticed white spots on his fins, I fear this may be ich?

We have 60G reef tank, with a Perculiar and Yellow Eyed Tang, all of our water levels are fine and salinity is spot on.

We have raised the temp from 78F to 81F as it suggests in some posts we have read online, we havent had anything we feel would sress the fish, although the Tang was only added 10 days ago.

What would be the best way to treat this as we dont have a quarentine tank, and dont want to cause them any stress?

Thank You

Hello Sarah,

I dont usually reccomend quarantining a fish anyways, (unless it is the last ditch option)

Ich is cause by many factors, actually, almost everyone has ICH in thier tanks, it is up to the fish to be able to resist or succomb to ICH.  Ways/methods to treat ich usually start with healthy foods.  Lots of vegatables, and healthy meaths for the meat eaters, (live food if possible)

I feed my tangs Nori twice a week or more.  I get it from the local asian market.  Costs about $7 for 100 sheets.

I would also reccomend a UV light.  I know UV is not the cure, but maybe with the perfect storm of remedies your fish will be ICH free.

If you are looking to medicate, I would suggest a product called, KICK ICH,  if that isnt available, most any other 'named' brand will work well.  Please follow the directions carefully, dont try to 'double up' if your fish is reall sick...

good luck and please let me know how things work out for yo

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