Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > There is something wrong with our fish.

There is something wrong with our fish.

25 9:36:51

My dad put a 135 gal. fish tank in the house early April around the 13th. We took it off the hands of a friend who past and there were already 3 fish that came with it. 2 Queen Angelfish and  1 Large silver that we cant figure out the name to. We now have a varity of fish such as clowns, damsels, a triggerfish, a comet fish, cardinals, and a sailfin fish. About 4 days ago one of our queen angels died and the other is acting a bit different. It secluded itself and is now breathing heavily on its side and has lost majority of its color. We just got our water tested after the first one died and they said the water is perfectly fine. The sailfin Tang is also on the verge of dying from what it appears. Same symptoms but we're not sure what it could be.

hello Maylean,  (nice name btw)

Can you please tell me a little more about your tank and what equipment you have with it, i.e. filters, lights, heaters, etc.

Can you also tell me a little bit about how you 'maintain' the tank? do you do water changes, do you add 'fresh water' daily or every so often?

Can you also tell me the current 'water peramters'?  What is the nitrate, and Ammonia.

I would suggest doing a good sized water change while we discuss this.

Take out 20 gallons of water and add 20 gallons of new saltwater...

I hope to hear from you soon.

