Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Correct number of fish for my tank

Correct number of fish for my tank

25 9:48:29

I have a 36 gallon bow front corner tank and I am having problems keeping my ammonia down... I have 6 fish, and 2 cleaner shrimp and 25 pounds of figi live rock... Do you think that the number of fish that I have is my problem? I have a bi-wheel filter system and I also have an aqua filter-50 on the tank...

Any advice that you can offer will be greatly appreciated...

Thank you for your time...

Hi Mark,

   What type and size fish do you have? How often and how much do you feed them? How long has the tank been in operation? Did you add the rock and fish within a short period of time or gradually add one thing at a time? Please send me some answers and I will try to help. Thanks, Gerry.