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live sand dying

25 9:48:28

I'm getting ready to start my first saltwater aquarium. I bought a tank, a 20lb bag of live sand and a few other things, but I'm still waiting on the tank stand to be shipped. I left the bag of live sand on the kitchen floor with the rest of the tank supplies and my cats must have ripped holes in the bag of live sand, allowing water to leak out and air to get in.  I added more saltwater to the bag and stored it in a cooler, but the sand smells very bad now. I won't be able to set up the tank for another week or two. My question is, can I still use the live sand and, if so, what do I need to do before I add it to the tank?

dear linda,

  NO! Unless you are willing to wait for the sand to recycle and become live again. My thought is, it is now contaminated and the best thing to do would be to buy another bag when you are ready to start. Your babies didn't mean it they were being kitties. Sometimes naughty but always awesome. You are going to love your new hobby and your kitties will too. Make sure they can watch but can't get in. Have fun, Gerry. Another thing to help you. Go to and click on "hobbies and games", then on next page, lower left click on "saltwater aquariums", you will then be at the site run by stan and debbie hauter. Read, read, read. Let me know how you are doing.