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purple reef lobster

25 9:30:28

i have a 2 1/2 year established 72gallon reef tank with about 150 pounds of live
rock and perfect water parameters.  i have been losing fish, is it possible that my
purple reef lobster is getting them at nighttime he is about 6in long. they are
supposed to be reef safe im at a loss. in the past 2 months ive lost a lubbock
wrasse, yellow tang, citron goby, and manderin fish. thanks  

Hi Mike,

Every aquarium situation is different, and without being able to monitor your aquarium for myself I'd have to say, yes "it's possible that your lobster is catching the fish at night while they are resting".

I'd recommend to find an alternative home for your purple reef lobster.

Below is some documented information on the purple reef lobster.

The Purple Reef Lobster has elongated, flat claws which are used for threats and defense, which may be purple in color, as well.

An ideal environment should have a thick gravel bed for burrowing, and rocks for hiding, as well as live rock on which to hunt. After molting, the Reef Lobster will need a secure hiding place, such as a cave, while it waits for its new exoskeleton to harden. The cave can be designed so that the lobster can be seen during the day, but it usually will spend most of the daylight hours hiding from the light. It prefers to scavenge and hunt at night.

Caution must be taken when incorporating into a reef aquarium, as it may harm small fish and invertebrates. All Reef Lobsters are very territorial and aggressive towards each other, so only one specimen, or a mated pair should be kept per tank. It is sensitive to high levels of copper-based medications.

Most of the diet will consist of food it scavenges, but keep in mind it could occasionally hunt for small fish. Offering iodine enriched foods will help ensure proper molting.

I wish you luck will your saltwater aquarium endeavors.


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