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niger triggerfish

25 9:41:26

I just bought a niger triggerfish and I was wondering how many small goldfish/minnows I should feed him a day. He is about 3 to 4 inches long.

Hi Steven. The answer is zero. You never want to feed carnivorous saltwater fish fresh water feeders! Freshwater fish do not contain the same fatty acids as saltwater and any saltwater fish eating a diet high in freshwater feeders will die a slow death due to malnutrition. Trigger fish have voracious appetites and are very greedy feeders. They will eat anything you throw at them. Try using a frozen meaty marine fish food like krill, clams, squid, mysis shrimp, or mussel. Triggers should be fed at least once a day with one or a mixture of the foods I have listed here. Do not feed freshwater feeders!