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Salt Water Tank Setup

25 9:49:00

I have a 55 Gal tank that i want to turn into a salt water tank I really want a seahorse and a stingray and have no idea if they will even live together could you give me some advice on what i need to start and what are some major things to watch out for basically i need a rundown of what a salt water tank consists of thank you for your time



This being your first set-up,  the two tank mates you have  chosen are very difficult to keep.  Sea horses need a highly specialized diet.  I have had mixed luck with them because they are so finicky.  Sting rays I have never kept but a 55 gallon tank may be too small for it to live comfortably.

Here is a list of things needed.
1. tank and stand (check)
2. lighting 2-3 watts per gallon
3. heater 3 watts per gallon
4.two powerheads for proper water movement
5.hydrometer to measure salinity or specific gravity
6. Test kits ph, nh3 nitrate, nitrite, and alkalinty
7. 15 pounds of crushed coral, or live sand I love live sand
it helps to cycle your tank.
8. need this filter to move about 200 gallons per hour.  There are many types I like a Fluval canister type.
9. Food, net algae scubber.
10.  Lastly they have come out with a new product called Reef water.  It's pre cured salt water that you can put fish right in.   No cycling required the specific gravity is perfect you just need to bring the water to the right temp.  it cost about $7-10.00 for 6 gallons.  I have just started using it and it's great.  They have it at a store called PetCo.  I belive this store is a chain.
Once you get your equipment I can give you a step by step
Think about some more additions to your tank.
Good luck & get back to me