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i have some Q

25 9:49:24

Hi scott,
today i made an order to buy 2 seahorses from
actually i don't have any experience in how to deal with them...can u please give me some advices on:
1- careing.
2- feeding.
3- put them in saltwater  or fresh ?
4- any thing that could help me in keeping them in agood health ..?

thank u...

I suggest you contact the supplier you purchased the animals from.  They will have a better understanding of what those specific animals were feeding on, etc.

And for future reference, seahorses are marine animals.  They require a salt water aquarium... they also require quite a bit of care. That being said, they are not the easiest animals in the world to keep.  Please do the animals and yourself a favor and educate yourself before you act.

Best of luck with your purchase.

Scott Johnson