Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > New tank not taking off

New tank not taking off

25 9:37:12

QUESTION: I set up a marine tank 3 months ago and have a lionfish in it. I have had marine tanks before with no problems until now. I purchased alot of live rock from the local shop and he assured me if i have it, coral will from on it. So far the only thing growing is a bright green mat over the sand, purple coverings over the rocks and dark green "grass" growing on the highest rocks. What have i done wrong this time round?

ANSWER: Hello Andrew.

I am not sure what your lfs salesperson meant by his assuance that coral will form on it???

If he and you think that rock all by itself will grow corals, then I think you are mistaken.

Maybe, and I mean, MAYBE, soomething may grow off the rocks, but, it is common practice to buy corals, and frags of corasl, and glue them to the rock, and after months, and years, the corals may grow larger and cover the rocks...

Certainly it wont be three months...

As for the growth that you have.... it sounds like algae is growing, which is kind of good, at least you know your tank can support life...   thepH must be good at least...

Can you please send me some more info so i may help with figureing out what is exactly growing and myabe ways to help..

please send me...


Also, tell me how often you do 'water changes'  and how much water evaporates each day.

Also tell me about your lights, what kind and how often are they on

that should do it for now.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your promt response. My question about the coral was because last year i had a tank and when i bought the rock, within 10 weeks i had these beautiful purple flowers growing all over it. My salt level is at 1.023, Ph 8.4, Alk 180 nitrites 0, nitrate 80.    I do water changes every 6 months as directed by the shop owner. I am using two lights, one white globe 30w and a blue 30w globe. The tank is only a 3ft x 12inch x 18inch. Unfortunaltely not one aquarium shop in my area has ever heard of anything to remove phosphate from the tank becasue i have heard of a "sponge" that goes into the canister filter to remove phosphate and nitrites.

Well, lets start off with teh easy stuff...

Go to your lfs guy and tell him i said he has no business giving advice.  Tell him, i wont sell stuff, and he wont give advice, ok???

As for your previous rock that sprang pretty purple flowers, that happens sometimes.  Not often, but sometimes, we call them hitchikers.  How often do you see a real hithciker on the road, thats how often you will see them on your rocks...

Your Salt level/SG is low.  it should be 1.026

Your Nitrate is thru the roof.. I doubt you will grow anything but algae.

BTW: where do you live.??

There is a products called phosphate sponge, but they arent sponges.  Tehy are rocks and they can go in your filter. most folks will put them in a fine mesh bag in the filter where the bio-balls or ceramic bead go, or inthe sump.

We will start off with a little lesson, please take notes...

1.  Water change every other week!  take out 2 gallons and add two gallons of salt water...  Mixed the day before or buy pre-mixed and have it ready in a jug.

2.  Every day, you will lose some water due to evaporation.  replace that water with fresh water.  not from the sink, but from bottled water, eitehr from teh store, or from a machine or from an ro/di filter you can buy...

Clean your filter every two weeks.  if it has sponges rinse them out every two weeks and replace them every other month...

Do not use bio balls or ceramic beads.  just take them out and thow them away...

search on for phosphate.  and read up on all those products you see... Pick one and try it...

and last but not least, find some reefers in your area, and talk with them...  But them lunch, go to thie house or invite them to yours...

Last but not least, search the internet for setting up a saltwater aquarium...  do not listen to that salesman again... (sorry to other more qualified salesmen, but you know... this poor guy got the short straw)

Good luck,
