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Live Rock Hitchhikers

25 9:48:47

Hello again Todd,
I just put the last of the live rock in my new aquarium and I was wondering if you could answer a few questions about some hitchhikers.
1. I saw some tiny orange starfish about 0.5 in. in diameter.  How big will these get?
2. I saw some small white brittlestars from 0.5-1 in. in diameter, will these eventually grow large to the size of the ones they sell in the store?
3. Finally what are your thoughts about putting 2 damsels in a tank as your first fish.  Will they be too aggressive for clowns and such?
Thanks again for your help.



As you know Live rock contains many hidden inverts.  It;s hard to tell how big these guys are going to get because I do not know what species they are.  Generally the stars can get about 3-5 inches and the white brittle stars can grow quit large I am not sure how big.

I guess you can keep them depending on how big your tank is and what you want to keep for fish.  Some fish will eat these inverts.

I have 2 damsels in one of my smaller tanks (15 gallons).  They co-exist with two clowns, three emerald crabs and one cleaner shrimp.  Damsels are more fiesty towards there own kind and in most cases fish will set-up boundaries for themselves.  

It would help if I knew how big your tank is and what type of damsels  you have. They range from 2 inches to 4 inches depending on the species.  Blue devils are the most aggessive of all damsels.
