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30 gallon saltwater

25 9:32:58

Hey Bill

I just have a couple of questions about my 30 gallon saltwater aquarium. I have a aquaclear 20/30 power filters which cycle the tank 8 an hour. Are power filters fine for a marine aquarium? Also what type of powerhead should i get and what gph?

Thanks Bill

Hello Cam,  I changed hte question to public so others may read the information we discuss..

Power filters are okay, but keep in mind that THOSE filters are not the important filter...  All your power filter does is to trap particulate matter that is floating inthe water column..

The real filter is the BIOLOGICAL FILTER.. that filter is alive.. it lives in the live rock and live sand...

You need the correct number of Biological Filter critters to maintain your tank.. That number / quantity is unique and depends on what you have in your tank and how you take care of your tank..  that population grows and shrinks depending on how much food it can get it's hands on...

the food it eats comes from what is in your tank..

that is why it is referred to as cycing a tank.. during the startup, the swings in BO population is huge...

As for your filter.. it is okay.. and that is it.. you can yank out all the pads, and all the bio balls/beads and your tank will still be fine...

You should clean those pads twice a month, or more... you should replace them every month, or 6 weeks max...

As for power heads... it depends on what you are going to keep in your tank.. for most corals, i would suggest getting big or multiple powerheads... LOTS of flow... as in you cant get too much flow... well, ok, you can.. but.. you get the point...

good luck, i hope this answered your questions...

Please let me know how things go.. and if you like, please post them on my new forum at

there are other members there who can help and you can post more pictures and chat live with me or anyone who maybe online at the same time...

hope to see you there
