Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Black Parasite on Tangs (Looks like tics)

Black Parasite on Tangs (Looks like tics)

25 9:47:49

Can you let me know how I can kill the parasite without killing my vertabrates. I have reduced my salinity to 1.020
and removed the carbon from my tide pool filters. I have tried Melafix and Prevent Ich and neither has worked. Do you have any suggestions

Hi there, Sorry I am unable to recommend something that *definitely* wont harm them. I had white spot and used a product which was not meant to harm inverts. While it did not harm all, I lost an anemone and a starfish. It was cheaper/easier than loosing all my fish but it still wasn't completely invert safe. Check with your local fish store and see what they recommend is the best one to use. Sorry I cannot be of more help.