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Cloudy eyes

25 9:48:34

First of all, thanks in advance for any help that you can provide.

I have a Naso Tang that looks and acts healthy, but its eyes have a cloudy film on them.  Is there any way to clear this up?  This Tang was added to the tank apx 4 weeks ago; it is a 55g tank; apx 20 total inches of livestock; with live rock/sand and corals.  Water is clear; small CC skimmer; and two Fluval 204 filters and one powerhead.

Thanks again.

   Hi Chris,
 If your naso is showing normal behaviour and has no other symptoms but cloudy eyes chances are it is a gram negative bacterialogical infection. How does your water test? If it tests okay for ammonia which of course should be zero, [if present could cause burns and thus damage delicate eye tissue]then it is probably bacterial. The causes for these infections are generally poor water quality, stress, poor nutrition, contamination in additions to the tank. How did you get your naso? Do you have a seperate treatment tank? Is your tang respirating normally? Is he eating normally? Treatment is much more effective if you have a seperate "hospital" tank. The antibiotics you use to cure these infections can take quite a toll on the beneficial bacteria in your biosystem generating even more problems. An ultra violet sterilizer can help prevent occurrences and is a wise investment. As it is difficult to determine the exact type of bacteria causing the infection a broad spectrum antibiotic such as spectrogram from aquatronics may be your best bet. Maracin 2 by mardel is also very effective on gram negative infections. There is also the preferred alternative of using oral antibiotics mixed with a frozen treat your tang is fond of. Please send me some answers to my questions and good luck with your treatment. It may be better to use the oral medication and feed him directly, if you do not have a treatment tank. thanks, gerry.