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salt water algae

25 9:40:45

I have 55 gallon salt water tank, and I am having a big problem of green algae in have of my tank, especially on the side I have protein skimmer, and lots of bubble. what can I do to get rid of this problem. Some one told me to get some snails, which I did I got 3 big ones and 3 small one. I leave the light on all day in my I cut the light or leave it on for most of the day..Help

Hey Yusof

you want the lights on for 8-10 hours a day. if your tank is young, the algae is normal, and with water changes it will go away. if you are using tapwater, that will cause the algae. if youre not using RO water, i would suggest using it. RO water will not cause algae

The snails will help with the algae, but not fix the route cause. keep skimming and up your water change schedule and you will see the algae slowly go away. if you have long strands of algae. you can take a shish kabob stick and elastic the "hook" side of velcro sticky tape. the algae will tangle in it and you can yank it off