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Feeding saltwater fish

25 9:26:42

I am wondering what to do about feeding my fish when I go away on Vacation for 9 days?? I have just moved to a new place and don't know anyone to beable to come in my house to feed them.. We have a 29 gallon Bio Cube with a metal hali light and a glass cover .. So there is no way of putting a auto feeder on that.. The light would melt it and removing the glass top would let my fish jump out.. How long can saltwater fish go with out a feeding.. We already have a light timer on it that works perfect.. Any inforamtion would be so much help .. Thank-You Valerie

Hi Valerie:

Although I don't recommend for anyone to go without feeding their pet fish for 9 days; however the truth is they should be fine, and there are naturally occurring food items in aquariums, like: planktons, copepods, amphipods, and algae.

In conclusion I'd imagine they would be fine for 9 days.

I wish you luck with all your saltwater aquarium endeavors.


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