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Sick Hippo Tang

25 9:32:13


I have a Hippo Tang that seems to be suffering from HLLE.  His symptoms are holes above and below his eyes and along his lateral line (they are getting bigger).  He still has an absolutely wild appetite and only hides when spooked by out of tank sources, oddly he "schools" with the two clowns he shares the tank with most of the time.
The water parameters are quite good and I have started more frequent/smaller water changes, just in case.
I got him to finally eat seaweed by tearing it up and soaking it in mysis shrimp before feeding (he doesn't take seaweed from a clip).  His diet consists of mysis shrimp, seaweed, and flake food.
It has been a several months with what I believe is HLLE and I don't know what else to do.  I heard that activated carbon can be a problem (which is what I use), what can I use instead if it actually is the cause.

Also, the two clowns, two firefish, and coral banded shrimp that share the tank are healthy.
Thank you


Hello Adam,

Very sorry to hear about your tang.... it is tough to watch them suffer, although it doesnt sound like he is suffering too bad right now...

Im sorry that i dont have any other info for you other then what you already know... I would suggest not running the carbon full time for a bit and see if that helps but i really dont think it will make much difference at this point...

im sorry i could not offer more info to you

good luck and please keep me posted as to what you might find and or how things work out for you...
