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Seahorse Care

25 9:48:58

Dear Todd,                                    Can you tell me everything you know about caring for seahorses ie filteration,lighting,feeding,aquarium size,best species..etc?Thank you very much!




Seahorses in general are very cool.  I have had two pairs for a while now.  I have had many ups and downs with them.
The biggest hurdle is diet you can not just feed them live brine shrimp. they will die in about 6 months of malnutrition. You may read it's ok but many of us learned the hard way and watched our seahores die when we thought we were feeding properly.

1. a 15 gallon-20 gallon tank will suffice.
2. a small filter will do (hang a version) it will have to be turned off while feeding. Aqua clear make a good product.
3. Normal fluorescent light can be used. 3-4 watts per gallon.
4. Mustang seahorses are the best and only buy captive breed ones.  They are pricey but well worth it.
5.  Feeding is the hardest thing to do. I got a ton of information from Ocean rider seahorses. There diet is lengthy and too long to describe.  I lived on their site for many months before I purchased my horses. Please go to there website.  They are best.. tons of information plus you can buy everything on their site.

good luck and let me know how you make out.