Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > NH3 & NO2 levels

NH3 & NO2 levels

25 9:36:23

Hi Bill,
I would like to know what the normal NH3 & NO2 levels for a saltwater aquarium.  I appreciate any assistance from you or the saltwater aficionado community
Thank you.....andrew levin

Hello andrew,

nh3 = Ammonia  = ZERO    Ammonia is toxic and a criter killer

no2 = nitrite  = ZERO  (or damn DAMN close)  this is an indication of the 'maturity' of your aquarium.  This is present when you setup a new tank.  This is will grow at first, and usually over a period of 3 weeks or so, climb until just before the tank is 'cycled'.

And just before, the no2 will SPIKE, off the chart....BUT, the next day, it should drop, down to zero

this will be a good inidcation that your tank is cycled and is able to convert/process the fish waste/ammonia

these numbers/results are not guarantees that your tank is ready for everything, but it does indicate that you should be able to put a couple fish into it without rapid fish death..

good luck
