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algae in salt water tank

25 9:44:32

Can you please tell me how to get rid of algae in my salt water tank?  I have an anemone and a scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp.  I would like to get a clown fish but want to wait until the algae problem is under control.

Thank you very much,

Hi Peggy. Without knowing what type of algae you have it is a little difficult for me to help you. Most algae grow under nutrient rich conditions, so making a few changes may help. First of all test your water for nitrates and phosphates. These two will often lead to algae problems. If either of these are high(Nitrate optimum level is below 10 ppm and Phosphates should be zero) you may want to do frequent partial water changes using distilled or reverse osmosis water. You can also try a phosphate removing media made for saltwater tanks if your phosphates are high. Good water flow helps to reduce the amount of algae as well because it prevents the algae from adhering to the rock and gravel. Also the use of a good protein skimmer and fresh activated carbon(of a high quality as the lower quality kinds can leech phosphates into your tank), will remove some of the dissolved waste products that most algae live off of. Certain invertebrates are very useful at aiding in the removal of some algae but without knowing what kind of algae it is I couldn't suggest any one in particular. Usually algae will thrive under poor water conditions, and slow water movement and you may want to check all your levels and get them under control if that is the problem. You can also purchase algae removers made for certain algae however if you don't find the source of the problem this will be just a temporary fix. One more thing, make sure the salt mix you are using is a good quality one. Some of the less expensive kinds have small amounts of phosphates and nitrates in them so even using good water will not help to eliminate them.