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New 10 Gallon

25 9:38:12

I recently started a 10 gallon marine aquarium. In the first week, I put 5 pounds of LR and about a 2 & 1/2 inch bed of sand/crushed coral. I set the salinity at 1.023 and let it go for a week or so. The next week, I added 2-3 more lbs. of LR and started checking the water quality. Having let another week pass, I checked all levels and they were good. I added 3 hermit crabs, a maroon clownfish, and a royal gramma. Within 3 hrs., both fish were dead. The crabs didn't seem to have any problems and are still living. I recently did a 50% WC and added three domino damsels. One died after a day and the other two are alive but seem stressed. I have done two water changes over the past two weeks and I use stress zyme and zoe vitamins. Any thoughts?

Hello Jarod,

Your question is, 'Any Thoughts'?   I will be blunt.


Please let me know what is included and or part of your aquarium?  Do yo uhave a filter?  Do you have circulation?  Do you ahve lights?  (are they in a canpo or suspended? What is the temperature?  (during the day and duringthe night)

It could be many things, but from my first GUESS, your tank is not sufficiently cycled to handle fish yet.  (test perameters dont indicate if your tank is ready, it only indicates the levels of what you are testing!!!

It usully tankes a few weeks to a month, after you added all your sand and rock.

(btw, damsels and maroon clowns are totally agressive and too big for a ten gallon tank)

I also guess that you dont have proper filtration, and or circulation, (powerheads)

I also guess that your tank gets too warm durig the daytime.

Saltwater tanks can not be setup like a BETTA tank or a freshwater tank.  The needs of the fish and coral or more stringent, and need to be within a few degrees from day to night,and chemical balance cant shift too much either.

Please start reviewing articles online on how to startup a saltwater tank, and let your tank sit without fish for a while.

Let us know how things work out for you,

Good luck,

Mr. Bill