Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > live rock spots.?.?..

live rock spots.?.?..

25 9:42:02

I have a fiji live rock in my fish tank and it seems to have about seven of these black dots on it... they look like they have a texture of a spider nest, and there seems to be tiny black specks inside of them... they also seem to be on one side and closer together... i have no idea what these are... so if you can please get back to me that'd be great

thanks alot
   Bonnie :)

Hey Bonnie

Its probably a goop vermetid snails leave behind, and the black debris could be some loose food, loose debris, or hitchhiker eggs that got caught in the web. all are nothing to worry about, theyre all part of a healthy system

any follow ups feel free to ask