Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Anemone


25 9:26:53

I have a question about my Tube anemone .. It seems very happy and has no trouble eating.. She is beautiful neon green in the middle of her.. What I need to know is why all of a sudden in the last 2 weeks or so there is now this deep purple stuff around her ?? it's about at least half inch wide all the way around her laying on the sand.. Wondering what it is and do I try to clean it up .. Is she ok ??
         Thanks Valerie

Well Valerie,this questions really has me i am not too familiar with tube anemones and have only owned one ever before in all of my reefing. i believe this may be related to the reproduction system of the particular tube anemone. i do not believe it is harmful. if you do not like the look there is probably no problem with removing it.