Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Feeding dog face puffer

Feeding dog face puffer

25 9:48:31



Followup To

Question -
Hello I need to know how often and how much to feed my dog face puffer? I'm setting up a reef tank and he is my first fish. Thank you.

Answer -
Hi Ralph,

    What a great first fish. They are awesome. How long has your tank been set up? Tell me a little about the system you have. You don't want to put him in too soon. As far as feeding him, the rulle of thumb is feed only what he will consume in the first few minutes. The uneaten food will decompose in your tank and foul your water. By the way, "doggies" will get to know you and your relation to feeding time. They will eat right out of your hand. Be careful, they have teeth and can be voracious, you might want to use small plastic tongs. Send some answers and I will try to help you further. Gerry.

Hi Ralph,
   Did you get my answer?  Gerry. Just in case you did'nt, you should feed him only as much as he will eat in just a few minutes two to three times a day. They will eat voraciously but for only a short time. Please let me know you received my answer and if it was to your satisfaction. thanks, gerry.