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28 gallon bowfront

25 9:46:41

I just purchased my first fish tank. It is a 28 gallon glass bowfront. I want a salt water setup and I plan on only having fish, live rock, and live plants. I have a few questions:

1. What kind of filter do I need?
2. What kind of heater do I need?
3. What lighting do I need?
4. Do I need a powerhead or protein skimmer?
5. What kind of live plants can I use?
6. What type of gravel should I use?
7. What else do I need besides accessories for testing the water and correcting it's content?

Thank you for your time and help.

if you have enough flow through the liverock you shouldn't need to run a filter for particulate filtration, its always advisable to run an external with only carbon, liverock rubble and phosban.

you will be ok with a 150W heater

for a fish only system lighting isn't as important, so what ever makes the tank look nice.

you will need a few powerheads, aim for 20X tank volume of flow in your tank, have powerheads blowing through the live rock and have a couple pointed at the surface to disturb it, this keeps gas transfere to a maximum and stabilises the PH.

there are few marine plants, its all algaes. there are lots to choose from but some need specific lighting.

stay away from gravels, try and stick to carib sea or argonite,it doesn't have to be live either. if you want to boost your bacteria ask your fish shop to give you a bit of their sand to kick start your cycle.

you will need a hydrometer and its advisable to get a spare heater and small powerhead incase 1 fails.

good luck and just remember not to rush it, these smaller tanks take alot more care and attention as its herder to keep the water perameters stable than in the big tanks.