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Skimmer microbubbles...

25 9:47:17

Hello, I have a brand new 20 gallon saltwater tank with no livestock, as I just set it up one day ago. I bought a fission  nano skimmer for my tank. I also have a power head, canister filter, and heater. The problem is, my protein skimmer, only running for little over 48 hours, is producing millions of tiny bubbles which are making the water look cloudy. I have tested the water and all the spec are normal and when I shine a light through it I can see all the tiny bubbles, so I know they are bubbles. Is this normal to have the bubbles? If so, when will they go away? Is there anything I can do to speed up the elimination of the bubbles? I have set the pump on the skimmer, its an in tank skimmer, to the lowest setting and it still produces the bubbles. I have heard there are medias you can place in the skimmer but because mine is the nano skimmer the only available place to put something is where a bubble reducing foam ring goes, obviously the ring is not reducing as it says it will. I read in the manuel that the surface tension needs to mature in new tanks and then the bubbles will decrease, is this possible to have to cycle before the bubbles go away? Thanks for your time.  

I would turn your skimmer off for a few days while you cycle your tank. Recommendation not necessity, i would look into investing in a sump. As far as media for you skimmer see if there is any way you can get some filter floss in the discharge of you skimmer, without backing it up. This is the main reason I try to stay away from in tank skimmers, I have always had the same problem when using these type of skimmers. Let me know if I can help any more.