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Setting Up saltwater Aqurium

25 9:36:46

Hi there,  I want to setup a saltwater aquarium but i have no expereince. I want to keep live rock and i have a 33 gallon fish tank. Its a Basic freshwater tank but i want to convert it into a saltwater tank. Also What kind Of equipment do i need. Do i need to buy Protien skimmers? I want to use a Canister Filter but what size? Also how does a power head work, does it need a undergravel filter to operate? Also how do i condtion the water do i need a RO/DI Filter? If SO, How does The RO/DI Filter Work and how do you use it? I also Want to put Sand in the aquarium? How do i Clean the sand. I also Know that i need test kits but i can ask my local fish store about those. Plus, do i need a air pump to keep the oxygen level up and what kind of air pump do i need .I Am doing alot of research But need some help. Sorry, theres alot of questons for you lol Please answer all of them if you CAn THANK YOU!

hey Rohit,

Yea, you have a lot of questions and although they are specific, they are general and basically you are asking for me to write a book.

I cant do that, sorry, I wish i could, maybe i would make a few bucks on the side..???

I would suggest reading up on 'HOW TO SETUP A SALTWATER AQUARIUM'

This is the first article I read when i got interested, maybe if you read this you will have more specific questions for me?

good luck, and please let me know any questions you may have after reading that article
