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White carpet Anemone

25 9:26:19

Hi David, so I just purchased a beautiful White carpet Anemone from my LFS and is currently acclimating. I read they need strong lighting which I have with my radion Gen 2. I put the radion in acclimation mode for one week to help with the aclimation but will that be to low of lighting for the Carpet? Thanks so much for the help!

Hi Taylor:

Nice to meet you... good question.

I have experience with the Ecotech Marine Brand Radion Gen 2 LED aquarium light, and it should work well for you in acclimation mode. I don't think it will be too little light for your White Carpet Anemone.

These species of Anemone's are fairly hardy, provided they have not sustained any bodily harm during transport; and although they are photosynthetic animals they can survive for quite a while without adequate lighting by using the stored zooxanthellate in their cellular tissue's to produce the needed sugars and food substances that they produce inside their systems to feed from. This is how they survive thunderstorms and bad weather and short periods of darkness in nature.

I wish you luck with all of your future saltwater aquarium endeavors.

