Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit

25 9:43:46

QUESTION: Hello again Jennifer! My new tank is almost ready for its inhabitants! Todays question is regarding medicines for my fish. What sorts of medicines should I have on hand? Do you recommend any brands? Thanks again for all of your help!

ANSWER: Hi There again! This question can be a little tricky. Since you have live rock in your tank and there are lots of interesting critters coming off of it you really want to not use medications in your tank. Parasites are treated with a copper based medication and this will kill off most of the invertebrates in your tank. This means any of the worms or feather dusters and things like that that you are seeing on your live rock or planning to put in your tank. Other infections are best treated with a broad spectrum antibiotic. These will also kill off all your good bacteria as well as the bad. I always recommend a quarantine tank however for some it may seem impractical or you may not be able to afford it or have the space. In this case just be very picky about the fish you choose. Only buy fish that are eating and don't have pinched in bellies. Check over the fish you are planning on purchasing for any signs of illness. For example cloudy eyes, damaged fins, any spots on it whatsoever. Keep the water quality in your tank as good as you can and keep up on partial water changes. Don't overstock or overfeed. Make sure all your fish are compatible and there is no chance of bullying. These things will often lead to a lower immune system in your fish and raise the chances of an illness breaking out. If despite your best efforts an illness does rear its ugly head, don't panic. A lot of diseases can be treated by checking water quality and correcting any undo stresses that may have come upon the fish. If the tank is healthy and the fish well fed their natural immune system will often kick any infections that come along. If you must keep some medication on hand then I would recommend Aquarium Pharmaceuticals primafix and melafix. These are good at treating a fish with a mild infection. Bad cases require more intense treatments. Never treat a fish with medications as a preventative. This will cause unnecessary stress on a healthy fish. If all goes well you should not need any medication and your fish will all be happy and healthy!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hey again and thanks for your help! Could you tell me a little more about a quarantine tank? I can probably fit another ten gallon tank in my room. Would I need a filter and heater? Basically a mini saltwater tank with no fish?

You've got it! If you can fit the tank then it is good idea to have one. It will need a small filter and a heater but that is it! Well, maybe a small light would be a good idea.Something for a hiding space is also a good idea. You use some of the water from your other tank and keep the quarantine tank very clean. After a week if the fish is eating and shows no signs of illness you can slowly acclimate it to your other tank. This shouldn't take long since you will be using some of the water from your main tank. If a fish should become ill in your quarantine tank, then this will also give you a place to treat it if needed. Keep it up and running at all times and every time you get a fish put it in there first. However You should only put one fish in there at a time. If you were to put more then one then one fish may infect the other who was healthy to begin with and that would kind of defeat the purpose. I hope I am being clear. If not I am sorry. I just worked a very long shift at work!