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condy and clown

25 9:42:53

hi im marcus and today i got a condy anemone for 7 bucks and ive heard that sometimes clownfish host with them so because it was eight bucks i got it and i got my percula in a net and put it over the anemone and he acted like the condy was stinging him. and i didnt just get the condy i researched first.

Hi Marcus

Condylactis anemones are endemic to the Caribbean in the Atlantic Ocean.  It is imperative to understand the Condylactis anemones do not host naturally with clownfish as clownfish are not found in the Atlantic Ocean - they are endemic to the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

It is rare for any species of clownfish to host with Condylactis anemones in aquariums due to their different geographic distributions.

I believe that it was a mistake to 'force' the clown into the anemone, as this would have probably seriously harmed the clown.  I would have left the clown to it's own devices and see if it decides to host with the anemone.  If you wish to have the clown host in an anemone, I would suggest Entacmaea quadricolor, also known as the bubble tip anemone.  They are relatively inexpensive and fairly easy to keep, provided you provide the right conditions.

