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crystaline algae

25 9:35:09

QUESTION: Will better water circulation decrease the amount of diatom bloom in my tank?

ANSWER: Hey Cruise,
Yes, but with a catch. Not if water quality and lighting isnt optimal. Increasing flow in unhealthy conditions will only aid in spreading the problem. Decrease the lighting periods, do the water changes to improve the water quality and closely monitor the feedings. get the environment healthy, then increase flow. Still struggling with the bloom? Or has it improved at all?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: what colors do crystaline algae come in and can i decide which i have or is it up to natual selection?

Hey Cruise,
How goes the system?
Crustose(encrusting) corallines are calcified algae, usually growing in light pinks and purples to dark burgundy and almost brown in color(Porolithon, Peyssonnelia, Lithophyllum). There are however green corralines that are very rare but becoming more frequent. The greens are a more light sensitive form. Keeping calcium and mineral levels optimal, water quality high and lighting optimal are the only things you can really do besides buying rock that has good growth already. Or getting someone to give you scrapings from their mature system. The rest is natural selection based on the environment you provide.

I haven't personally seen or heard of a blue coralline alga, but I wont say it doesnt or cant happen. The oceans and it's life continually show and teach us something new.