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Problem with Yellow Tang!

25 9:31:59


Yellow Tang (Bad Side)
Hello Bill. I am sorry I am not able to provide any information on the water parameters as of yet, but we have had two fish die in the span of a week and we have not been able to identify the problem. The first fish (I do not know the species) was small and we suspect that it passed away because of stress and from not eating enough. The second fish to die was a Blue Tang (maybe a regal), and it might have died from old age. I suspect that Ich may have been involved because i might have spotted some white spots on it. Now our Yellow Tang seems to have an eye infection. if you could provide some information on what this could be that would be most helpful. i have included a few pictures of the condition. The left eye is the only one affected while the right eye is fine. Please Help!!


I will need more information on your tank.  Please let me know how old it is?  How long have you had it setup.. What do you do for regular maintenance.  (how often do you do water changes, and how often do you do TOP OFF )

What type of equipment do you have on the tank

You mention that one fish might have died of old age?  Why do you suspect that?  have you had the fish for YEARS?

Your tang looks BAD....

It is way THIN...

The best solution for avoiding problems like these is to feed your fisha  good diet... which includes a varity of foods... one day feed it pellets, one day feed it flake, one day feed it seaweed...

But your tank should be brite yellow and maybe have a small pouch for a belly

at this stage it is best to isolote the sick fish into a hospital tank/treatment tank where you can add chemicals without screwing with your biological filtration...

After you isolate the sick fish, i would start a treatement of PRIMAFIX/MELAFIX

and good food... I would start off with some NORI/SEAWEED  you can use most any seaweed you find in the stores, (for human consumption), as long as it isnt 'flavored' with teriyaki or other seasinoings...

plain dried seaweed is good though

roll it up like a cigarrette and place into a clip and let the tangs yank on it and tear it off and eat it

good luck and pleae keep me posted on your progress

