Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Im new to saltwater tanks.

Im new to saltwater tanks.

25 9:26:03

I wanted to know, I have a tank cycle and I don't have all the kits I need right now so I haven't been able to check the ammonia levels. I didn't use the live fish method, I just used some fish food. And after a day or two I had white baby brittle stars in my tank which is strange right? that they're living (not the appearance of them I'm sure the came off my rock). It's not possible for my tank to be cycled is it? It's only be like two days. Are starfish very hardy?
Thanks for your time.

Hi Philip:

Nice to meet you sir, and this is a very good question...

It is possible to have an expedient tank cycle if you used real ocean water when starting your aquarium. There is a species of brittle starfish that is hardy and can possibly survive cycling; perhaps this is the one you have. Thanks for the question.

We wish you the best of luck with all your saltwater aquarium endeavors!

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