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Lonely Parrolet

21 16:31:44

We have a parrolet, he is about 6 years old.  He was part of a pair 6 months ago until unfortunately his mate was killed by our cat (they had all lived harmoniously for about 5 years-until the birds both escaped and the female I think died of shock after a chase sadly.  We were at work I'm afraid).  Anyway, he does seem OK, we caught him and he is back in his cage but we worry that he is lonely.  He's a lot quieter than he used to be.  We would love to give him some affection but he and his mate were always very, very nervous and don't like us being too close as they get stressed.  This is my question, would you advise that we get another bird such as a canary or budgie to be close by to keep him company?  Is there any way of him ever accepting attention from us, I've read that these birds can be friendly?  Or should we just let him be?  We just want him to be content.  Thanks any advice would be great.  Much appreciated.  

I would say to try and get him a bird of the same species. Canaries or budgies arent really the same as the mate that he lost and he may not like them. He does sound lonely and if he is about 6 years old and is still very nervous of humans, its unlikely that he would ever become fully tame to want to spend time with humans. And you say he is already quite stressed and always has been by human attention, I think hes probably been upset a lot by the death of his mate and more stress trying to tame him wouldnt be a good idea. It did sound like him and his mate were very happy together though so ideally another mate for him would probably be best as that way he can have company all the time. Have you any bird rescue centres in your area where you could maybe get another bird from? Good luck