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my parakeets

21 16:18:06

My 10+ years old female parakeet today I discovered that she had the area around her anus kind of distorted and red, but not blood. She had been having some fights with one male parakeet (I have 5 females and one male, and all fly around the house freely except at night) so I thought maybe they had sex but since I don't know how they do it, well I'm just guessing. Anyway I cleaned her up good, put some desinfectant lotion around it I got at the pet shop, and I'm thinking about putting some mercurochrome on the outside. She has been trembling some tonight, although now she is not and I put her in a small cage by herself with a towel to cover nd she seems very comfortable and spent about 30 minutes with me resting on my stomach. I'm wondering if I should take it to a bird vet (I've no idea where to find one or how) or simply wait and see if it goes, or maybe there is some medicine for birds I can buy? Any help is greatly appreciated, this is my favorite parakeet, she is about 14 years old now I think. Thanks!

Well she may be egg-bound which is very serious. There is a website which has a list of Avian vets in the country and you can search for one in your area. it is Never use medication you buy at a pet store because it actually makes things WORSE and vets can't run any tests or treat any bird until 5 days after it's been off of the OTC medication. I hope she is alright! It sounds like you take GREAT care of your birds!!