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Parakeet gender

21 15:56:58

Hi, I looked for an expert under "budgies" but there isn't one. :/
Can you possible tell me what gender this bird is. It's young so I'm not 100%

I have dealt with budgies and i am able to visualise what gender usually but only if they rech maturity. Yours is still young and it is hard to visualise but here are the traits that i know from experience :

-Males have blue above their nose after maturity
-females have red above their nose after maturity
-females are more agressive than males
-females bite more than males
-females are harder to train than males.

You must check their mutation as some have traits very similar to males. You mutation is very mixed and its quite hard to determine but im guessing its a male as it is very similar to a male budgie i have and seems tamed.

Checkout my youtube channel named Parrot whisperer that will help u a lot. Like my fb page named bird tameness

Thanks !(dnt forget to rate !)