Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > playing


21 15:57:03

how do I play with a baby parrot that was born on May 18, 2013?

-- How do you play with a baby parrot?   Gently!   At this age your bird will enjoy little 'tug of war' sessions with a clean, safe cloth.   A wash cloth is fine, strips of old tee shirts, etc.

--  Dangle it over its head and lightly brush it up against the cheek - all the while make encouraging sounds that convey 'happy' and 'fun'.   IE:  "Polly, get the snuggly.  Good bird!"

You get the idea.

Hide and 'peek' is another fun game.   First, hold a cloth up, over your face and ask "Where am I ?" -- Then reveal yourself with a happy, "Here I am!"

 Eventually you may be able to briefly hold the cloth over Polly's (no name was given in this question) head and ask "Where is my Polly?" - then lower the cloth and exclaim "There you are!"

You may also roll a cat's ball with a bell toy and teach your bird how to 'fetch'

 Have fun!   Look here for more