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gold and blue macaws

21 15:59:53

Hi there

we are getting a baby hand fed Macaw for me for my birthday. I have always been told that male birds will be more attracted to female owners and Female birds will be more attracted to Male owners. We went and saw the breeder on the weekend and she said it doesnt matter what sex the bird is, it will bond with me the same as it will bond with my husband. is this true ? because i dont want the bird to bond with my husband and not with me

-- What you've been told is a silly myth that anyone who actually knows birds would never pass on as fact.

Birds don't know what the heck we are!  To them we are just strange looking creatures that they will either associate good things to or, unfortunately with some people, bad things.

Over time a bird can learn that females have been uninvolved or mean to them and thereby develop an aversion to females; the same applying to males.  Even then, it's the stature of the human, the tone and pitch of the voice and movements that they recognize.  

So a bird that seems to dislike men might like a man who is of slight build and light voice.


A baby bird has no preconceived notions.  Adopt it and have it used to ALL kinds of people and you'll have a happy, well socialized bird that is a delight to be around

Find out all you need to know about feeding, housing and interaction here

Congratulations !!!