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caring for cockatiles

21 16:44:20

I have a Cockatile with moulting problems, and am not quite sure as to their preferred diet.  Would you be so kind as to inform me upon the aspects of TLC for my Raptor.

Kind regards,

Sean Wallace.

Hello Sean

If your cockatiel seems to be moulting more then normal taek him/her to a vet, if it seems like a normal amount of moulting then you can go out and get some moutling seed and mix a little in with his/her normal diet this will stop him from moulting too much. I would reccomend that you feed your cockatiel at least some pelleted bird food as this is lower in fat then seeds and therefore is healthier for your bird and he will live a longer live, you can fine some of these pelleted bird seeds at:

Hope this helps if you have any more questions feel free to ask.