Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > 1 month parakeet! scared as hell?

1 month parakeet! scared as hell?

21 16:35:05

hi there! Dustin

I just got a 1 month old parakeet from the pet shop maybe 2 or 1 week's ago,and i was wondering why is it always scared everytime i try to go near it and talk to it, and I sometimes try to let it out of its cage! i mean the bird would try to fly away from me even though the wings are clip i even try using a perch to get it out by using the step up command, no luck it's just keeps flying in the back to his cage!. Wat should i do Dustin?

also when the parakeet bites he does not let go?

i kind of feel like giving up on the bird and giving it back to the bird shop! i don't know wat to do!

Thanks Dustin!

I have a parakeet, that dose the same thing you may might want to try getting another parakeet he may be missing the other birds as parakeets like to be together. You just keep taking him out of the cage daily and he should get use to it. When he bites and doesn't let go he is trying to scare you. I hope this helped you if it did please give me a rating.