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parrotlet not finger trained

21 16:16:08

QUESTION: I recently bought my mother a one year old parrotlet.  I was told he was finger trained, but he pecks very hard and  won't let us near him. I ended up taking the bird back and now I need help in finger training him! Is he too old to train? I was told you can't train them if they are that old!  Help!! I love him and want to keep him!  Also, I have two older cats ( 14 yrs. ol and 12 yurs. old) I keep the bird in the other room with the door shut when Iam not home. Do you think the cats will adapt to the bird being in th household?  Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated!!

ANSWER:  Even if a bird is finger trained for one person, doesn't mean they'll automatically trust a new person.  You have to earn this trust and be patient.  If you were suddenly taken from your home and placed in a different place with people you've never seen before (and of course you didn't speak their language and they didn't speak yours) - how likely are you to just sit with them and watch t.v.?

 When it comes to the cats, you need to keep in mind that they will always be ruled by instinct.  No matter how passive or nice they are, they are predators and birds are prey.  Never, ever leave a cat alone with a bird that's out of their cage - or when a cage might be penetrated by the cat.

 Find out more about easy bird integration and how to help them be more tame here:

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Can you give me a few tips on how to gain his trust and how to finger train him? i as him to "step up", and he pecks. I am assuming that I just have to keep up with it.  In the last two days, he is letting us pet his head for a minute or two--is this progress? Thank you for your help!!

Yes, that's progress!  Excellent progress.  

When you present your fingers/hands, do so slowly and best with a treat in hand, even if it's just a regular feeding.

Laying your hand in the cage and holding very still for several minutes a few times a day is also helpful in convincing a bird that you're no threat.  Remember, we have eyes forward in our heads which makes us predators and birds recognize that.

 Patience and continuing what you're doing - it shouldn't take too long before you have a lovely, bonded for life friend.