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My terrified lovebirds...

21 16:29:26

Hi there... i recently purchased a pair of two year old black-cheek lovebirds. The man i got them from was young, and they reeked of smoke and were given to me in a Very dirty cage. I am guessing from this that they were not properly cared for. They are very un-tame the first day i got them they clung to the cage, glued in the corner and refused to even look at their new surroundings... These are my first pair of lovebirds.. and i am very worried for them because almost any slight movement around them and they cling to the cage for dear life! Today i put them beside my bed and read a book for about an hour, while talking and saying their names between each turn of a page. I bought them a few toys today and they don't even bother "testing" them out :( I asked the man i got them from to send me at least a handful of food so i could mix it with their new food (he claimed he didn't know the name or brand of food. :S) They have a pretty large cage.. and i am slowly trying to fill it up with some toys and perches to maybe make them feel more secure.. or at home? I cannot put my hand in the cage without them flying around and chirping loud! They do not have their wings clipped... but i don't know how to get them out of the cage in the first place so i can bring them to get clipped. What I'm trying to get at is: I have two very scared lovebirds.. I was hoping to maybe try and teach them a few words and handle them often outside the cage, but before anything i have to get them to trust me do you have any advice? Please!:| thanks:)

Hi Stephanie

First of all you must give the birds several weeks minimum to accustomise to the new surrounding, food etc.  This would be the case even if they had been well cared for in the past.  Given the circumstances it will probably take longer before they calm down and behave more naturally. Meanwhile don't try to touch them, only put your hand in the cage to feed etc.

They will never become tame. Lovevirds bond to one othe being, and as they have bopnded to each other, they will not bond to you.

Get back to me if you need more help.