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Sun Conure Sniffling?

21 16:15:08

Hi, I own a pair of Sun Conures, but lately they have both been making some kind of sniffling sound like something is in their nostrils, they eat like usual, their not fluffed up or showing any signs that they are ill. Someone said that they may have allergies? Do you know what this may be or from and what can I do to help? thanks

hi. thanks for your question.
i am glad to hear that they are not showing any outward signs right now that they are ill however as you may know, birds usually do not show outward signs of illness until they are very sick. this is an adaptive behavior that birds developed over time so that they would be safe from predators (a sick bird is a slow bird and is usually the first to be preyed upon).
i am concerned about your bird's symptoms. the first thing that concerns me is that they are both making the "sniffling" sounds. it either means that they are both ill with the same bacteria/virus or both allergic to the same thing in their environment.  
while it is normal for a bird to sneeze occasionally (a very quiet "ah-choo" sort of thing without discharge and sometimes so quiet you cannot hear) a bird should not be constantly sniffling, sneezing, or attempting to clear their nares.  birds do occasionally have particles (dust/dander/etc) that get lodged in the nares but they are usually able to expel them by either sneezing or inserting a claw into their nostril, followed by a sneeze, and discharging the particles manually. thus, it should not be an ongoing continuous thing.
there is the off chance that your birds are initiating the sound on purpose...that is, to imitate or to vocalize. my sun conure always makes a "sneezing" noise when he is imitating me giving him "kisses". it sounds like a sneeze but he is purposely pushing air out of his nose to make the "kiss" sound. perhaps your birds are vocalizing/imitating and this is one of their newly acquired sounds...especially if they are imitating one another. this may not be a possibility though and i suggest ruling this out for now unless it is a sound that you have been teaching them to mimic.
i have also heard of birds having allergies but it is better safe than sorry...mistaking what may be some kind of upper respiratory condition in a parrot (very contagious and possibly deadly in parrots) for simple allergies could be disastrous.  regardless, i would have them seen by a vet. it is better to err on the side of caution...if they do have some kind of illness, it is imperative to treat it as soon as possible (time is of the essence with birds and an untreated infection can be deadly). if it turns out that they are okay, perhaps your vet can help you figure out what they are allergic to...this is also a good idea since allergies are also uncomfortable for pets as they are for humans.
i would say take them to a vet, preferably an avian vet, to be on the safe side as this behavior sounds abnormal and may be causing them discomfort.
good luck and i hope this helps.  alicia