Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > forgot to add this to senegal parrot question

forgot to add this to senegal parrot question

21 16:18:30

Hi again Carol,

Sorry I forgot to add this other question to my first inquiry.

Every time my husband tries to hold the parrot it poops on him, I could hold the parrot for an hour and nothing (although it has pooped on me if he is on my shoulder for quite a long time)   My husband can hold him for me for 1 minute while I run to the bathroom etc  and EVERY SINGLE TIME the bird poops on him, there hasn't been one time that my husband has held him that the bird doesn't poop on him within 30 seconds.  We even tried having my hub hold him after we know he has pooped and still he does it.  Does this mean he doesn't like my husband?  Soon as the bird poops my hub gives him back to me or puts him back on his playstand I told my hub not to do this cause he is teaching the bird that if he poops, he gets to go back to me (who he prefers) or his playstand, but my hub feels that if the bird doesn't like to sit with him and is pooping as a way to get away, that we shouldn't force him to sit with my hub, I say this is wrong to do, but I am asking you since you are the expert.

Thanks again!

He's just trying to show your husband that he's boss. Each time he poops, he gets what he wants. Go find some cheap clothes that can get nice and dirty. Have your husband hold the bird wearing these clothes. When the bird poops, have your husband say "NO" and then keep on petting/holding him. He'll run out of poop eventually (to be blunt). My lovebird did the same thing to my relatives, and so each time someone new comes to the house, I have them wear a full-body apron and they hold the bird. She poops on them 2 or 3 times, then decides that they're not so bad and she likes the person from that point on. You just have to learn when to give in, and when not to give in.