Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > Sulphur Crested Cockatoo with a hole in her beak.

Sulphur Crested Cockatoo with a hole in her beak.

21 16:17:23

Hello Carol, I am baby-sitting a delightful young cocky and I am concerned
about an injury she sustained two days ago. Her owners tell me she got in
between a dog and his food and I see that she now has a small hole a
towards the top of her beak. Also, her beak looks a little flaky and seems to
be closing lop-sided. She seems happy enough but as she isn't mine I don't
know what is normal or if this injury is likely to be problematic. Do you think I
should have her examined by a vet just in case?  Regards, Lou.

To tell the truth, she needs to go to a vet and it was very irresponsible for the owners to leave her with you. If the beak is not closing properly, it is difficult for her to eat, so the vet will need to decide what food to put her on while she heals. Another thing is that beak injuries get infected very easily and since it is so close to the brain, it doesn't take long for the infection to be lethal. I would call her owners and tell them that you are bringing her to the vet and mention that you DO expect to be repaid for the vet visit. I'm so sorry that you were left with an injured bird! It's a very awkward situation to be in, I know. I hope she gets better soon and I'm glad she was left in such caring hands!