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Getting another Parakeet (Budgie)

21 16:35:00

Thank you for answering a question I had a couple of days ago.

I have decided to get a friend for a parakeet I have had for three weeks. She is fairly hand tame, will get up on my finger without hesitation but won't accept food from my hand yet.

The friend I want to get is a hand raised parakeet very tame.

My question is, will having 2 parakeets cause the hand raised one to become less tame or will the hand raised bird help the other to become more tame (and willing to try new foods)?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Hello again and thanks for yuor questions, and Your welcome.

It can swing either way...the tamebird could loose some tameness being with a half tame bird or the half tame bird may become very tame because it sees the other is walking on your hand/shoulder and eating from your hands. Just be sure to keep handlnig them once you have the pair and do not neglect handling them for a few days at a time or they may turn back to what they were before which can be somewhat scarted of you to biters. Good luck with your new buddy.