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Cockatiel - mating

21 16:34:47

Our 7 year old male was exhibiting signs of frustration - frequent masturbating; we bought a female and she presents several times a day; he doesn't seem to understand - possibly because he's in love with my husband.  We only wanted to make our male happy. Will she be so upset she'll fail if he doesn't pay attention to her?  Just asking if you think we should give her away?  They're both beauts and sweet, neither hand tamed.

Dear Deby,
I'm not really shore what you could do but maybe you could spend more time with the female and see what the male would do. Also, why and where is your male masturbating. If your male Cockatiel is masturbating your husband you could try to keep your husband away from your male cockatiel and see what he does. Also, you should try asking your vet.

Sorry I could not help you a lot,
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