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Greenwing macaw not eating

21 16:29:44

I have a 5mnth old macaw who doesent want to eat .i have had him at the vet says bird is healthy but is starving. We tried a new seed formulae with fresh fruit and hand rearing food offered to keep his strengh up. It went well for a month now has same problem. Bird wants to be around people the whole time. I suspect he might be lonely. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.  

Was this bird weaned when you got it?

What's the weight ?

If you don't have a gram scale, you need to get one. It's essential for all bird owners to have this. Not an ounce and pound scale, but a gram scale.
 The reason is that a bird's weight can vary by as little as a gram or two and be significant in detecting a health problem early. by the time the difference shows up in ounces or lbs, it's much further along.
 Whenever a bird's weight decreases by 5% (in grams) - it's considered enough to be an emergency situation needing prompt attention.

Meanwhile, seed isn't the best option and should make up about 20% of the overall diet.  Any pelleted food made for this size and species of bird is your best choice.  
 Add fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day (separate dishes so they can be cleaned and you won't be wasting pellets) - plus legumes and whole grains.

 Try some (no additive) baby foods like squash, carrots, mixed vegetables for your bird and perhaps mix it with some of the hand feeding formula - offering it to him from a spoon.
  Cut up banana with a teaspoon of natural peanut butter mixed in may entice him as well.

 Give my page a look to find out more for his overall care (not enough room here) and let me know
  I'll support you all the way on this!