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Please advise Parrotlet behavior

21 16:23:33

Recently My mother bought me a blue Parrotlet (female). The day she was brought home she was fine. The next day she came to me and let me hold her, but as of that afternoon I was gone for about 5 days and my mother was in charge of Tink (parrotlet). She made sure to get Tink out of her cage everyday and let her get use to her so when I came back, Tink should not have a problem being handled. Well, this is not the case. It has been almost a month and I can only get her out of her cage with a washcloth,she bites hard if I offer my finger. I praise her and speak softly, but it does not help. If I get her out she will sit on my shoulder, but she does not want me to bother her. I love her and I want to be her best bud and teach her tricks and I want her to love all of us and not be scared. I do not know what to do to make her feel comfortable with me, she is eating well, she is just awfully grumpy. She likes to stay in her cage and doesn't come out without a fight. I want to be able to get her out of her cage using the UP command. I want to be able to trust her not to try and bite my finger off. She is not a loud bird, sometimes she chirps when I leave the room and of course in the morning she chirps with the sun.

PLEASE advise me on how to make Tink love her owner.....

Sincerely Hopeful,
Megan and Tink

Hello Megan,

First have you taken your bird to an avian veterinarian? You want to be sure that this aggressive behavior is not cause by an illness.

Assuming that your bird is healthy then you do want to start a training program with your bird. Keep in mind that parrots are wild animals that we have chosen to share our homes with. They come with all of their wild instincts and need us to teach them skills to help them live in our homes. Since your bird hasn't yet learned these skills she is relying on her instincts to protect herself.

Here is a link where I discuss step up training. Every member of the household needs to do these training steps to prevent aggression.

As for the chirping, that is also normal wild parrot behavior. In the wild this is how they keep in contact with their flock. She needs her flock members (you) to respond in order to feel secure. A simple "hello birdie" or a whistle works well.

Also providing her with as many bird safe play areas (playgyms, cages, aviaries etc.) in the rooms you spend the most time will reduce her need for contact calls and make her feel as part of the flock.

It sounds like you are new to parrot owning. I highly recommend that you buy the book The Companion Parrot Handbook by Sally Blanchard. In addition my website has several links to excellent parrot information. Please take a look.

Enjoy your new friend!
